Mindset Mastery


Over the last three years, I’ve been exploring deep personal development topics in my newsletter and podcast, presenting them in a narrative format that makes them simple and easy to understand.

As I spoke about on my One-On-One Transformational Coaching Page, the critical faculty between our conscious and unconscious mind prohibits us from taking in suggestions that are incongruent with our embedded programming.

However, there’s a way around that, and that’s by sharing story. (A great book about this is Story or Die by Lisa Cron, if you need a source.)

How can you see that practically applied in your life? Think of watching a movie. Your brain lowers its shields, and allows you to forget that there’s a director, producer, actors, a set, lighting, cameras, etc, so you can just settle down and enjoy. This is why you might find yourself sobbing when Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan finally meet in Riverside Park at the end of You’ve Got Mail.

The critical faculty lowers, and your brain becomes highly suggestible.

Well, that’s what I do with personal development topics. All of my solo podcasts are in narrative form, and most of my writing is as well.

If you find yourself moved and inspired by this digest of content, let’s discusss how transformational mindset coaching can help you become the hero in your own story.

Podcasts: Mindset Mastery, Personal Development, Inner Work, and Identity

Blogs: Mindset Mastery, Personal Development, Inner Work, and Identity

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