Day 1. I’m So Proud of Our Women’s Coaching Community

Five months ago, I started a coaching community for women called “Day 1.”

Day 1. is not another one of those Western Society “immediate gratification” “in six weeks you’ll know how to—”

It is based on the concept that every day is the first day, and we are only here now.

This is a group that elevates women to the highest versions of themselves. THEY do the elevating. And when we meet on Saturdays, I guide our meetings based on where THEY are at in their lives.

I have a pretty cool skillset in that I am able to cohesively fuse teachings from drastically different disciplines together.

Sometimes I use my background in sociology. Sometimes, NLP and transformational coaching techniques. Sometimes, my distance running. Sometimes I straight up pull out the Tao and read a verse. 😂

All of it fits together, as all parts of your LIFE fit together.

They all follow the same basic set of rules, and much of the overwhelm and analysis paralysis women experience has to do with the way we have unconsciously trained our minds to operate.

We get beyond the mind’s grip when we are just here now.

We get beyond perfectionism, and the “one big effort.”

We become more able to self-regulate, which is the most reasonable way to live: by your own internal compass.

One of my members, Vikki, wrote an awesome blog post about our group.

It’s about her own “hero’s journey” and what she has learned in Day 1.

I would love to share it, as I am incredibly proud of her, along with all of the women in our community.

They are a source of light in this world.

This is Vikki’s blog if you’d like to read about her journey in Day 1:

Day 1. reopens December 1. Just in time for support for the most triggering time of the year-- THE HOLIDAYS.

If you’re interested in joining us, here’s the link to join the waitlist and receive more information.

I pride myself in authenticity. If you have any questions, email me, and we'll set up time to talk.

Stay beautiful,



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