Trying to Control Leads to a Lack of Control (Let Yourself Spin Out!)

I haven’t gained holiday weight in five years.

Five years.

(I know it’s not the holidays, but you’ll see where I’m going in a minute.)

There is a secret to this, and every year, I tell this secret in my emails and on my podcast, usually with someone certified in everything fitness and nutrition. I produce a free holiday ebook as well, every year. And yet, I am ignored every year.

Why is it so?

Because the secret is: do nothing. Let yourself spin out. You WILL return to homeostasis.

People refuse to accept this. Their need to control is too great.

They do the whole “restrict beforehand.”

I will typically tell them “That’s idiocy.”

They usually ignore me.

They do the whole “Ohhhh I can’t have that.”

What happens? Excess. Compulsion. Mental and emotional turmoil.

The thing that hurts people the most in NOT JUST THIS but many areas is the need to obsessively control.

When you don’t let yourself grasp, grab, control, obsess, or “try to change it,” you will naturally move through everything that’s happening with relative ease.

You’ll be like a boat moving with the ocean, rather than crashing on the hard sand with a giant wave. And, further, you’ll come back to neutral way sooner than if you try to tweak, change, or alter in any way.

Any oppression, even just in thought, will drag on those moments, sometimes indefinitely if you judge yourself hard enough.

In this podcast, I dive into a variety of areas this pops up, not just with clients, but with me personally.

If something resonates and you would like to talk about it, email me:

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