The Podcast:

View From the Roof

The Holidays, Time Management Andee Scarantino The Holidays, Time Management Andee Scarantino

December Gives Us the Feeling of Toppling Down an Escalator

How is it that every year we forget what is upon us? The holiday stress that we're about to endure seems to be lost until BOOM! There it is. In this episode, I explain all of it. I explain the sociological piece, the personal development piece, and introduce practical strategy to help you get through this year unscathed.

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Identity, Alcoholism, Stop Drinking, Recovery, Sobriety Andee Scarantino Identity, Alcoholism, Stop Drinking, Recovery, Sobriety Andee Scarantino

Alcohol Is Not Responsible For You Being "Fun"

When people want to stop drinking, a lot of times the first concern is "who will I be on the other side of this?"

When I interviewed my friend Elliott on my podcast last year, he also voiced that he was worried he'd be this boring person that "everyone thinks is sad."

Who the hell wants that?

I was one of those people who just saw a sliver of the world of recovery, reinforced by disempowering accounts the Instagram algorithm served up, and uninspiring, "straight out of a text book" Google search results.

I was completely misinformed about what would actually happen, which was that I would become more me than I'd ever been.

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Inner Work, Transformation, Mindset Mastery, Identity Andee Scarantino Inner Work, Transformation, Mindset Mastery, Identity Andee Scarantino

On Transformation: People Will Leave Your Life, and YOU May Be the Villain in Their Story

One of The Four Agreements (from the book The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz) is “don’t take anything personally.”

Yet, when people remain unhealed in an area, something you say MAY touch them in a way that’s triggering. They may feel intense anger for you and your very being.

This is a transformation reality.

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