Upstream Thoughts, Falling From Grace, and Day 1.

In 2020 into 2021, I hit the abundance lottery. And, I gotta tell ya, this is not a story of my personal abundance because who fucking cares?

This is about getting what you want: money, love, and health. 🤑❤️🥑

Those are the three things people want, and the one you want the most is probably the one you have the least of.


"Upstream thoughts."

I was talking to a fellow coach about this this week and she sent me a great Abraham Hicks video talking about this very thing.

In our lives, we have "upstream thoughts" and "downstream thoughts," and the ones we have RIGHT IN THIS MOMENT create the next moment.

Remember, we only have now. You might not know this, but it's the premise my women's coaching community is based on.

We only have now, so if our thoughts right now are "upstream," which is essentially thoughts of lack, that creates our emotions, which dictate the next moment, also rooted in lack.

Examples of upstream thoughts:

You look at the scale and you see a number. You don't like the number. The number creates emotions of defeat, stress, inadequacy. Your body releases cortisol. Your brain tells a story that YOU are a big failure, unworthy, not pretty, not sexy. You act accordingly.

Those thoughts are upstream thoughts, creating the reality of the next moment, lending itself to the same reality.

That's why losing weight when you are focused on losing weight feels like an uphill battle.

LOVE! Ever try to get love in your life when you're "trying" to get love in your life? Good luck. Those are the people who pay for PornHub Premium.

Money! Abraham Hicks talked about this in the video my colleague sent.

Someone was saying they only had enough money for another 30 days, and they were getting called for interviews but nobody was hiring them.

Ever have "enough money for 30 days?" Boy, what an upstream thought. So then it's 29 days... then 28. All you're focused on is the amount of days you can exist comfortably. "28 days. Got 28 more days... Only 28 more days.... 27 more days"

Since we create from now, focusing on THAT dwindling money supply creates lack energy which moves us into the next lacking moment.

Upstream thoughts are responsible for why when we want something, "trying to manifest it" just doesn't work.

The key is to shift those thoughts to downstream thoughts, shift to a state of flow, and shift your energy to a place where you aren't in lack.

That's how you get the big three, and THAT was the topic of our call in Day 1 this weekend.

In this episode, I talk about upstream thoughts, and falling from grace.

I also talk about the concept of relapse being part of recovery, noting that I do not use the term “recovery” to mean “sobriety.”

There are many ways we can relapse in our journeys of getting back to who we once were.

I have not relapsed with alcohol, but I certainly have relapsed into anger, lack mentality, and constriction.

I dive more into it in this episode.


Day 1. is a women's coaching community based on present moment awareness. There is no time but NOW. There is nowhere but here. Fire yourself. Take your life back.

We do.

Here’s the link to sign up to become a member of the Day 1 community:

If you want more info, plus some testimonials, go here:


"Sobriety" vs "Recovery.” Also, Introducing the Four-Fold Formula for All Things Wellness


Do You Have an Addiction to Seeking?