Do You Have a Lack of Time? Or a Lack of Will?

This podcast piggybacks off of my blog post last week entitled “For Those of You Who Don’t Have Time.”

First off, I’m obsessed with time. I probably can tell you exactly what time it is without looking at a clock, and I am never late.

Even with this obsession, I still am guilty of, every now and again, not having the best handle on my time. The amount of time we get each day does not change, but your perception of that time can.

One of the main excuses I get from newbies that come to me for help improving their lives is “I don’t have the time.”

Yet, the busiest, most successful people in the world seem to prioritize their health and well-being. They find the time.

Likely, it isn’t a matter of you not having the time, but rather that your perception of time needs to be renegotiated.

If you haven’t read the blog, it’s definitely worth checking out.

    I want to---
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