Debunking Diet Culture: Interview With LiveUnbreakable Founder and CEO Shaun Provost

On this week’s episode of the Get the F*ck Off Podcast, I am so honored to have as a guest Shaun Provost, founder and CEO of LiveUnbreakable, my friend, mentor, and colleague.

Shaun is a Certified Nutrition and Gut Health Specialist, Certified Personal Trainer, Ironman Triathlete, and Mental Tenacity Coach. Her work focuses on breaking barriers, and changing your mindset around diet culture to live a maintainable lifestyle and achieve your personal and fitness goals.

In this episode, we tackle so many of the misconceptions around diet culture which people believe to be true.

We discuss the origins of body dysmorphia, and people placing themselves in boxes that are created externally.

We dissect why habitual dieters and calorie counters often find themselves unable to lose weight, and the importance of nourishing your body with nutrient-dense, whole foods.

We also talk about the notion of “control,” and what part it plays in one’s resistance to letting go of diet culture.

Shaun’s work with clients begins by identifying obstacles, barriers, and blockages in their way. As she notes, that’s purposefully vague, for every human is different, and there is no cookie cutter “plan” you can blanket apply to all people and get results.

Once those barriers and blockages are identified, the real work can begin.

In the latter half of the podcast, we discuss the importance of setting boundaries, not just with diet culture, but in life in general.

I admire Shaun for the work she does, and I’m so happy we were able to connect and have this conversation publicly, as so many of my friends and clients struggle with their weight and body image.

You can find Shaun at, or on Instagram @livingunbreakable

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